P & C Executive and Committees

The P&C is managed by an Executive Committee of volunteers composed of members nominated at the Annual General Meeting. We have a constitution that governs how the Association operates and the Committee makes sure everything is running smoothly. 

The P&C Executive Committee was elected at the Annual General Meeting in Term 4 of the previous year. For information about the P&C, please visit their website: www.davalliapspc.org.au


2024 P & C Executive

President: Neroli Ridgewell davalliapspc.president@gmail.com

Vice President: Ashleigh Shapland davalliapspc.vicepresident@gmail.com

Secretary: James Milne davalliapcsecretary@gmail.com

Treasurer: Faz Bashi – davalliapctreasurer@gmail.com

Assistant Treasurer: Michelle Zoontjens – davalliapspc.assttreasurer@gmail.com

Class Representative Coordinator: Mel Bluntish – davalliapspc.classrep@gmail.com

Fundraising Coordinator: Vacant > Email to enquire

Communications: Ashleigh Shapland – davalliapspc.communications@gmail.com