When enrolling your child, you will be given a Student Health Care Summary form to complete. Should your child have any health conditions these should be noted on this form.
Illness and Injury
Minor injuries or illness during the day are normally attended to at school. In more serious situations, every endeavour is made to contact the parent(s) to arrange for the child to be collected from school. It is most important that parents ensure EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS are kept up to date.
On enrolment, your child’s ACIR records must be provided to the school. Children without measles immunisation will be excluded from school during a measles outbreak.
Should your child require medication whilst at school a document is available at the office for completion.
We have limited facilities for treating illnesses at school. For the safety and health of your child, other students and staff, parents are requested not to send unwell children to school.
Communicable Diseases
Communicable Disease Guidelines for teachers, child care workers, local government authorities and medical practitioners can be found at the Health Department website.