Davallia Primary School P&C is made up of supportive school parents and involved citizens for the purpose of providing support to our school community. Not only does the P&C Association contribute to the funding of exciting ventures, we also have an equally important role in adding to the social fabric of our school community. The key to all of our initiatives, whether it is a fundraising event, providing feedback to the Principal or organising an event that brings parents, students and teachers together, is involvement.
It is important to state you do not need to take on a formal role with the P&C to be actively involved. There are many different ways to support the P&C and its ventures, so come along to a meeting to see just what we have planned, meet some new friends, contribute to the school community and have a lot of fun.
For more information please the website https://davalliapspc.square.site or contact the P&C Secretary at davalliapcsecretary@gmail.com
The WA Council of State School Organisations Inc. suggests the role of a P&C is to:
- give parents an opportunity to learn about the school’s policies and programs
- organise ways in which parents can share in shaping and developing school policies
- bring parents together to share information and views
- assist the school in building positive attitudes to students and their families
- help raise funds to provide extra resources.
For more information about WACSSO